Andorra Telecom - News Digital Transformation

The digital transformation of Andorra Telecom will make it possible to eliminate paper consumption

The digital transformation of Andorra Telecom will make it possible to eliminate paper consumption

The introduction of electronic documents and the implementation of the biometric signature allow us to save 70 per cent in one year

Andorra Telecom is committed to the process of becoming paper free. The company has set the end of 2020 as the deadline to fully operate with digital documents both internally and with customers. If the first step was to stop sending invoices to customers’ homes in 2018, in 2019, many internal procedures have been digitised and the biometric signature began to be applied within the commercial agency just a few days ago.

The results can already be seen. From the 540,000 sheets of paper consumed in 2018, just 162,000 sheets were expected to have been consumed by the end of 2019, which represents a 70% reduction in one year. Translated into environmental impact, this represents a saving of 95 trees and 190 million litres of water.

Andorra Telecom spokesman, Carlos Casadevall, explained this, telling the media how, thanks to the biometric signature and digital documentation management, users can now leave the agency with no paperwork. “All documentation is sent to them via email. If a customer so requests, they can be sent the corresponding printed copy but, as evidenced by the implementation of electronic invoicing, the majority of customers have no problem in completely eliminating paper copies”, he stated.

Greater efficiency and security

Users will have fast access to information about the products they have contracted through the customer area of the website and the Andorra Telecom application. The electronic document management model not only seeks to reduce environmental impact but also leads to improved efficiency and guarantees information security.

The paper elimination plan is part of the ambitious digital transformation programme that is being developed this year. Among the measures that are being implemented is the generation of a new user experience through digital channels in order to ensure that almost all interactions with customers can be made through the app and the website; the introduction of artificial intelligence, the use of data to offer more personalised services and a better customer experience, the automation or robotization of many internal tasks, the implementation of a digital platform to train workers, favouring innovation, the implementation of flexible work methodologies, etc.