Andorra Telecom - 5G News

Andorra Telecom will begin to roll-out 5G next summer

Andorra Telecom will begin to roll-out 5G next summer

Jordi Nadal reports on the company’s pilot trial at the opening ceremony of Company Conference Day, dedicated to the digital transformation of commerce

During the Company Conference, the Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, announced that the roll-out of the 5G telephone network will commence next summer with a pilot trial in the urban area made up of Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany. Nadal, who was tasked with opening the event with a talk on the latest trends in telecommunications, highlighted the advantages of this new technology, which will allow browsing speeds of 1,000 Mbps, a very high concentration of devices operating in the same area and very low latency.

During the conference, the telephone operator’s director explained that during the initial phase the same 4G hub will be used, adapted to allow the connection of new 5G aerials and mobile devices enabled to operate in it, before transferring to a 5G hub in a second phase.

From an infrastructure perspective, the General Manager of Andorra Telecom also referred to the Internet of Things (IoT) network, explaining that coverage for the Lora network was now available in all districts. This network allows monitoring with sensors that transmit very little information, which operate from remote locations and with a long-life battery. Nadal reported that Andorra Telecom will begin marketing services on this network shortly. Among its uses, he explicitly referred to measuring the levels of liquids in tanks or temperature alarms in remote locations.

In recent years Andorra Telecom has displayed a strong commitment to the automation of processes. Nadal believes that personnel can be relieved of repetitive tasks at an affordable cost. “Automated processes not only offer high availability, but reduce errors and are scalable. In addition, they can be implemented without changing the company’s IT systems”, he declared, urging companies to discover the use cases developed by Andorra Telecom.

The talk covered other technologies such as blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence.

The speaker Marc Vidal, a specialist in Digital Economy, gave the main speech of the conference, one that was highly inspiring in its tone. His talk “The digital challenge in the small business” focused on highlighting the key role of people in the technological revolution. He insisted that adapting to new technologies is not an option, and that all sectors, and particularly the retail sector, need “to take part in this revolution”.

Vidal presented cutting-edge applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence, big data and automation, while emphasising “the opportunities offered by all these innovations”. The capacity of the country’s main economic driving forces, such as tourism and commerce, to implement digital transformation will determine Andorra’s future model.

The Company Conference concluded with a round table on the future of the commercial sector, in the presence of the President of Shopping Mile, Sònia Yebra, the representative from Sogar, Marc Soliva, and Pyrénées Andorra’s CRM analyst, Marta Ballús.

The Company Conference, an annual event organised by Andorra Telecom, was attended by approximately 180 professionals and entrepreneurs.